Phú Văn Hẳn

van-hoa-cham-1Phú Văn Hẳn,  sinh ra, lớn lên tại Phan Rang (Ninh Thuận). Học xong THPT, anh thi đỗ vào Trường ĐH Tổng hợp TPHCM.

Năm 1988, anh về công tác tại Viện Khoa học xã hội vùng Nam Bộ, nghiên cứu ngôn ngữ Chăm, sau đó, được đi tu nghiệp tại Malaysia (1993-1995). Anh đã có nhiều công trình nghiên cứu được công bố trong và ngoài nước. 40 tuổi (2003), Phú Văn Hẳn bảo vệ thành công luận án tiến sĩ chuyên ngành ngôn ngữ.


Preserving Cham Font through Online Conversion Application

11836716_136293190053434_8317650454571050088_nVan Ngoc Sang1 & Mohamad Bin Bilal Ali1
1 Faculty of Education, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor Bahru, Malaysia
Correspondence: Mohamad Bin Bilal Ali, Faculty of Education, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor Bahru, Malaysia.



The Cham people who are now the minority ethnic in Vietnam speaks with the language familiar used as others Malay groups but differ in their written language. Cham Script inscriptions appear on Dong Yen Chau stone stele (Tra Kieu) in 4th century and the Cham are using this script system until today. Ensuring the preservation of Cham language, this study intended to design a tool to convert the EFEO Cham Latin in Malay system to Cham Akhar Thrah. The method used is by converting Latin EFEO into intermediate characters code followed by assigning it to AkharThrah backwards. Cham font conversion application has been created, which has carried out a number of technical requirements, and content conversion ensures correct in vocabulary, semantics and grammar. In this experiment we have checked the accuracy percentage of three Cham poems and results Ariya Cam Bini 100% (n=1823); Ariya Gleng Anak 99.88% (n=2459); Nai Mai Mang Makah 100% (n=2523). Cham font conversion is necessary and meaningful in conservation of Cham script. It will be used in schools, institutions in the country and overseas as well as assist in teaching and learning Cham language.

Read the full paper here: 50454-173837-1-SM

The Cham Muslims of Cambodia: Defining Islam Today and the Validity of the Discourse of Syncretism

Allen Stoddard

Masjid Al Jamee Al Islamee 4On a recent visit to Cambodia, I had an insightful interaction with the current mufti of Cambodia, Sos Kamry. As I explained to him my research interests, we spoke for some time about the history of the Cham Muslims and Islam in Cambodia. He spoke briefly about the history and culture of the Cham people, focusing primarily on the great struggle their community has undergone during the last three decades, trying to recover from the great suffering endured during the time of the Khmer Rouge.  Continue reading

Inrasara – Phu Tram

2Full name: Phú Trạm, pen name: Inrasara
[Inra: Cham transliteration of Sanskrit Indra, the god of Thunder; Sara: salt]
20-9-1957: Born in Cham Hamlet of Caklaing – Mĩ Nghiệp, Phước Dân Townt, Ninh Phước District, Ninh Thuận Province, Central Vietnam
1969: Student of Po-Klong High School, Ninh Thuan Province
1977: Student of University of Pedagogy, Ho Chi Minh City campus
1978: Left university, wandered in Cham villages collecting Cham poems and folk tales; read philosophy books, and composed Cham/ Vietnamese poems
1982: Researcher at the Editorial Committee of Cham Textbooks – Ninh Thuận Province
1992: Researcher at the Center For Vietnamese & Southeast Asian Studies, University of Social Sciences & Humanities, Ho Chi Minh City campus
1998: Present: free writer. Cham/ Vietnamese poet, Cham/ Vietnamese translator, literary critic, and researcher on Cham language and culture. Continue reading

Prof. Dr. Po Dharma Quang


Phanrang (Vietnam), 1948

Collaborateur technique de 1972 à 1982, membre depuis 1982

Diplômé de l’École militaire interarmes du Cambodge en 1969, Po Dharma Quang se rend en France pour y poursuivre ses études et obtient un diplôme de la IVe section de l’EPHE en 1978, un DEA en 1980 et un doctorat nouveau régime en 1986 (université Paris-III).

Il entre à l’EFEO en 1972 en qualité de collaborateur technique et devient membre scientifique en 1982. Il est affecté à Kuala Lumpur (Malaisie) en 1987, avec pour mission d’y ouvrir une antenne de l’EFEO et d’en assurer la direction. Rentré à Paris en 1993, il est chargé de conférence à l’EHESS. En 1999, il dirige à nouveau l’antenne de l’École à Kuala Lumpur. Continue reading

PGS.TS Thành Phần



– Họ và tên:  Thành Phần

– Tên gọi khác: Dharbhan Po Dam, Gru Phan, Gru Hajan, Ja Phok

– Giới tính:      Nam   

– Dân tộc:        Chăm

– Ngày tháng năm sinh: 17 – 04 – 1954          – Nơi sinh: Thôn Phước Nhơn, xã Xuân                                                                                 Hải, huyện Ninh Hải, tỉnh Ninh Thuận

– Cơ quan đang làm việc:

Trường Đại học Khoa học Xã hội và Nhân văn, Đại học Quốc gia TP. Hồ Chí Minh.

– Học vị:          Tiến sĩ                                      – Cấp bậc: Giảng viên chính

– Học hàm:      Phó Giáo sư

– Chức vị:        Phó Giám đốc Trung tâm Nghiên cứu Việt Nam và Đông Nam Á Continue reading