Dr. Andrew Hardy


After his BA in history at Peterhouse College, University of Cambridge (1987), Andrew Hardy’s interest in Vietnam’s history led him to pursue his studies at the Université de Paris 7, where he wrote MA (1991) and DEA (1993) dissertations under the supervision of Daniel Hémery. To deepen his knowledge of the history of migration in twentieth-century Vietnam, he enrolled on a PhD programme under the supervision of David Marr at the Australian National University, where his doctoral work focused on the relationship between migrants and the state in Vietnamese lowland-upland migration. His PhD thesis (1999) was published under the title Red Hills in 2003. Continue reading

Prof. Dr. Po Dharma Quang


Phanrang (Vietnam), 1948

Collaborateur technique de 1972 à 1982, membre depuis 1982

Diplômé de l’École militaire interarmes du Cambodge en 1969, Po Dharma Quang se rend en France pour y poursuivre ses études et obtient un diplôme de la IVe section de l’EPHE en 1978, un DEA en 1980 et un doctorat nouveau régime en 1986 (université Paris-III).

Il entre à l’EFEO en 1972 en qualité de collaborateur technique et devient membre scientifique en 1982. Il est affecté à Kuala Lumpur (Malaisie) en 1987, avec pour mission d’y ouvrir une antenne de l’EFEO et d’en assurer la direction. Rentré à Paris en 1993, il est chargé de conférence à l’EHESS. En 1999, il dirige à nouveau l’antenne de l’École à Kuala Lumpur. Continue reading

Prof. Dr. Danny Wong Tze Ken


Prof. Dr. Danny Wong Tze Ken
Department of History
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Tel. No. (Office)
79675560 / 7049
Fax No.
E-mail Address
ResearcherID Link
Department of History, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA

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Professor Arlo Griffiths

Arlo Griffiths

New York, 1976

member of EFEO since 2008griffiths_2

Having been trained in Indology (with a focus on Sanskrit) at the University of Leiden and at Harvard, Arlo Griffiths began his academic career with a doctoral fellowship from the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research that allowed him to pursue research in Vedic philology. His research focused on the Paippalāda tradition of the Atharvaveda, still alive in Orissa (India) to this day. In the field, he learned the (Indo-Aryan) Oriya language, and started being interested in non-brahmanicak traditions. In the margin of his doctoral research, he was able to do some work in the domain of descriptive linguistics of the tribal languages of the region, particularly those belonging to the so-called ‘Munda’ branch of the Austroasiatic family. While still remaining active as Indologist with a specialty in Vedic studies, the focus of his recherch gradually shifted to Southeast Asia, first and foremost the epigraphical documents in Sanskrit and in vernacular languages, both Austroasiatic and Austronesian (Old Khmer, Old Cham, Old Javanese). His research priority is the publication of so far unstudied manuscripts and epigraphical documents, in the form of critical editions, and their exploitation from the historical point of view. Continue reading

PGS.TS Thành Phần



– Họ và tên:  Thành Phần

– Tên gọi khác: Dharbhan Po Dam, Gru Phan, Gru Hajan, Ja Phok

– Giới tính:      Nam   

– Dân tộc:        Chăm

– Ngày tháng năm sinh: 17 – 04 – 1954          – Nơi sinh: Thôn Phước Nhơn, xã Xuân                                                                                 Hải, huyện Ninh Hải, tỉnh Ninh Thuận

– Cơ quan đang làm việc:

Trường Đại học Khoa học Xã hội và Nhân văn, Đại học Quốc gia TP. Hồ Chí Minh.

– Học vị:          Tiến sĩ                                      – Cấp bậc: Giảng viên chính

– Học hàm:      Phó Giáo sư

– Chức vị:        Phó Giám đốc Trung tâm Nghiên cứu Việt Nam và Đông Nam Á Continue reading