Professor Arlo Griffiths

Arlo Griffiths

New York, 1976

member of EFEO since 2008griffiths_2

Having been trained in Indology (with a focus on Sanskrit) at the University of Leiden and at Harvard, Arlo Griffiths began his academic career with a doctoral fellowship from the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research that allowed him to pursue research in Vedic philology. His research focused on the Paippalāda tradition of the Atharvaveda, still alive in Orissa (India) to this day. In the field, he learned the (Indo-Aryan) Oriya language, and started being interested in non-brahmanicak traditions. In the margin of his doctoral research, he was able to do some work in the domain of descriptive linguistics of the tribal languages of the region, particularly those belonging to the so-called ‘Munda’ branch of the Austroasiatic family. While still remaining active as Indologist with a specialty in Vedic studies, the focus of his recherch gradually shifted to Southeast Asia, first and foremost the epigraphical documents in Sanskrit and in vernacular languages, both Austroasiatic and Austronesian (Old Khmer, Old Cham, Old Javanese). His research priority is the publication of so far unstudied manuscripts and epigraphical documents, in the form of critical editions, and their exploitation from the historical point of view.

Having obtained the doctorate at Leiden University in 2004, Arlo Griffiths was immediately appointed lecturer in Indian Religions at the University of Groningen. The next year, in 2005, he returned to Leiden, having been appointed to the Chair of Sanskrit. He joined the EFEO in 2008, and has been posted at his branch in Jakarta since January 2009.

A Books

2009 The Paippalādasaṃhitā of the Atharvaveda. Kāṇḍas 6 and 7. A New Edition with Translation and Commentary, Groningue : Egbert Forsten (Groningen Oriental Studies XXII), LXXXVI + 540 p.

B Edited books

2004 (edited with J. E. M. Houben), The Vedas: Texts, Language and Ritual (Proceedings of the Third International Vedic Workshop), Groningue : Egbert Forsten (Groningen Oriental Studies XX), X + 658 p.

2007 (edited with Annette Schmiedchen), The Atharvaveda and its Paippalādaśākhā. Historical and Philological Papers on a Vedic Tradition, Aix-la-Chapelle : Shaker-Verlag (Indologica Halensis / Geisteskultur Indiens : Texte und Studien, Band 11), VI + 396 p.

2011 (with Andrea Acri, Helen Creese), From Laṅkā Eastwards. The Rāmāyaṇa in the Literature and Visual Arts of Indonesia, KITLV Press, Leiden, xvi+259 pp. Illustré. [Série: Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde, 247.]  OpenAccess:

C Articles and contributions

1999 with A. M. Lubotsky, « Postscript on Vedic jaṅgahe », in Journal of the American Oriental Society 119 (1999), p. 480-481.

2002 « Aspects of the Study of the Paippalada AtharvaVedic Tradition », in Abhijit Ghosh (eds.), Ātharvaṇá (A collection of essays on the AtharvaVeda with special reference to its Paippalāda tradition), Kolkata : Sanskrit Book Depot, p. 35-54.

2002 with M. Witzel, « A List of Paippalāda-AtharvaVedin Settlements », in Abhijit Ghosh (eds.), Ātharvaṇá (A collection of essays on the AtharvaVeda with special reference to its Paippalāda tradition), Kolkata : Sanskrit Book Depot, p. 167-179.

2003 « The Orissa Manuscripts of the Paippalāda Saṃhitā  », in Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 153.2, p. 333-370.

2003 with A. M. Lubotsky, « Paippalāda Saṃhitā 4.15. To heal an open fracture: with a plant », in Die Sprache 42/1-2 (2000-01) [published 2003], p. 196-210.

2004 with P. Bisschop, « The Pāśupata Observance (Atharvavedapariśiṣṭa 40) », in Indo-Iranian Journal 46 (2003) [published 2004], p. 315-348.

2004 « The Textual Divisions of the Paippalāda Saṃhitā », in Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde Südasiens 47 (2003) [published 2004], p. 5-35.

2004 « Paippalāda Mantras in the Kauśikasūtra », in A. Griffths & J. E. M. Houben (eds.), The Vedas: Texts, Language and Ritual (Proceedings of the Third International Vedic Workshop), Groningue : Egbert Forsten (Groningen Oriental Studies XX), p. 49-99.

2004 with J. E. M. Houben, « H.W. Bodewitz: Bibliography 1969-2004 », in Indo-Iranian Journal 47 (2004), p. 121-131.

2005 with Gerdi Gerschheimer and J. C. Eade, « La stèle d’installation de Śrī Tribhuvaneśvara : une nouvelle inscription préangkorienne du musée national de Phnom Penh (K. 1214) », in Journal Asiatique 293.1, p. 11-43.

2007 « Tumburu: a Deified Tree », in Bulletin d’études indiennes 22-23 (2004-05) [published 2007], p. 249-264.

2007 « The Ancillary Literature of the Paippalāda School. A Preliminary Survey with an edition of the Caraṇavyūhopaniṣad », in A. Griffths & A. Schmiedchen (eds.), The Atharvaveda and its Paippalādaśākhā. Historical and Philological Papers on a Vedic Tradition, Aix-la-Chapelle : Shaker-Verlag (Indologica Halensis / Geisteskultur Indiens : Texte und Studien, Band 11), p. 141-193.

2008 with P. Bisschop, « The Practice Involving the Ucchuṣmas (Atharvavedapariśiṣṭa 36) », in Studien zur Indologie und Iranistik 24 (2007) [published 2008], p. 1-46.

2008 « Gutob », chapter 12 in Gregory D. S. Anderson (eds.), The Munda Languages, Londres et New York : Routledge (Routledge Language Family Series), p. 633-681.

2008 with W.A. Southworth, « La stèle d’installation de Śrī Satyadeveśvara : une nouvelle inscription sanskrite du Campā trouvée à Phước Thiện », in Journal Asiatique 295.2 (2007) [papublished 2008], p. 349-381.

2009 « Sūrya’s Nāgas, Candra’s Square Seat and the Mounted Bull with Two Guardians — Iconographical notes on two Khmer illustrated stela inscriptions », in Gerd J. R. Mevissen & Arundhati Banerjee (eds.), Prajñādhara. Essays on Asian Art History, Epigraphy and Culture in Honour of Gouriswar Bhattacharya, New Delhi : Kaveri Books, p. 466-478.

2009 with A. M. Lubotsky, « Two Words for ‘sister-in-law’? Notes on Vedic yātar– and giri– », in E. Pirart & X. Tremblay (eds.), Zarathustra entre l’Inde et l’Iran. Wiesbaden: Ludwig Reichert, 2008, p. 115-121.

2009 « C.C. Uhlenbeck’s work on Sanskrit and his role in the history of Dutch Indology », in Inge Genee & Jan Paul Hinrichs (eds.), C.C. Uhlenbeck (1866-1951): A linguist revisitedCanadian Journal of Netherlandic Studies / Revue canadienne d’études néerlandaises, t. XXIX, ii / XXX, i (Automn 2008 / Spring 2009), p. 71-77.

2010, « The Go’ter Ritual of the Gadabas According to Duaru from Tikrapada (1965) : A Gutob Text Translated », in P. Berger et al. (eds.), The Anthropology of Values (Felicitation volume for Prof. Dr. Georg Pfeffer), Delhi: Longman, p. 288-293.

2011 avec William A. Southworth, « La stèle d’installation de Śrī Ādideveśvara : une nouvelle inscription de Satyavarman trouvée dans le temple de Hoà Lai et son importance pour l’histoire du Pāṇḍuraṅga », dans Journal Asiatique 299 (2011), 271–317.

2011 « Imagine Laṅkapura at Prambanan », in Andrea Acri, Helen Creese and Arlo Griffiths eds., From Laṅkā Eastwards. The Rāmāyaṇa in the Literature and Visual Arts of Indonesia, KITLV Press, Leiden (2011), p. 133-148.

D Book reviews
Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde 165.2-3 (2009), p. 385-388.
compte-rendu de Uli Kozok, Kitab Undang-Undang Tanjung Tanah: Naskah Melayu yang Tertua (Jakarta 2006), dans Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde 166.1 (2010)
, p. 133-138.
compte-rendu de Uli Kozok, Kitab Undang-Undang Tanjung Tanah: Naskah Melayu yang Tertua (Jakarta 2006), dans Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde 166.1 (2010), p. 359–361.

E E-publications

1998 electronic text of the Taittirīya Āraṇyaka I.

1998-1999 with T. Zehnder, electronic text of the Paippalādasaṃhitā, Kāṇḍa 1-15.

2000 electronic text of the Kauśikasūtra. First edition 2000; second edition 2001; third edition 2003.

2005 electronic text of the Miragāvatī, a poem by Qutban in Old Avadhi, input together with Joris ter Linden.
URL: et

2005 electronic text of the Pañcaviṃśabrāhmaṇa, input together with Martin Kümmel and Masato Kobayashi.

2005 electronic text of the Adhyāya 110-113 du Harivaṃśa, input for the DICSEP-project.

2006 electronic text of the Gopathabrāhmaṇa.

2006 electronic text of the Dantyoṣṭhavidhi.

2006 electronic text of the Kauśikapaddhati de Keśava. Supervision of input by Ketaki Gokhale. In collaboration with Masato Kobayashi.

2007 electronic text of the Ātharvaprāyaścitta.

2009 electronic text of the Vaitānasūtra.


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