Prof. Dr. Danny Wong Tze Ken


Prof. Dr. Danny Wong Tze Ken
Department of History
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Tel. No. (Office)
79675560 / 7049
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Department of History, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA


Total Articles in Publication List :   41
Articles With Citation Data :   1
Sum of the Times Cited :   0
Average Citations per Article :   0.00
h-index :   0
Co-authors :   Collaboration Network
This information is generated from
(Qualification), (Institution).

(Organisation), (Role), (Year), (Level).

Badan Warisan Malaysia (Malaysia Heritage Trust), Council Member, (National)
Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, Member, (National)
Persatuan Sains Sosial Malaysia, Member, (National)
(Role), (Level), (Start date),(End Date).

Member, SOP writing Committee (Students Affairs) PT 07, University Malaya
Auditor, ISO9001/2000, University Malaya
Course Coordinator AEEA3180 Graduation Exercise , Department Of History, Faculty Of Arts And Social Sciences
Member, technical Sub-Committee to the Organising Committee for the 8th Asia-Pacific Students Services Association Conference, University Malaya
Member, Organising Committee, International Conference on Malaysian History, Department Of History, Faculty Of Arts And Social Sciences
Member, Examination Questions Evaluation Committee, Department Of History, Faculty Of Arts And Social Sciences
Member, Special Prize Committee, Department Of History, Faculty Of Arts And Social Sciences
Member, Undergraduate Degree Committee, Department Of History, Faculty Of Arts And Social Sciences
Member, Higher Degree Committee, Department Of History, Faculty Of Arts And Social Sciences
Member, Publication Committee, Department Of History, Faculty Of Arts And Social Sciences
Member, Department Seminar Programme, Department Of History, Faculty Of Arts And Social Sciences
Member, Historical Magazine Historia Editorial Committee , Department Of History, Faculty Of Arts And Social Sciences
Member, Organising Committee on National Symposium on History and the Teaching of History, Department Of History, Faculty Of Arts And Social Sciences
Member, Organising Committee, 5th Asean University Network Educational Forum, 2002, University Malaya
Member, EKSPO Penyelidikan Organising Committee, University Malaya
Chief Of Internal Auditor, Faculty Of Arts And Social Sciences
Team Leader, Internal Audit, University Malaya
Member, Website Committee, University Malaya
Member, Ad-Hoc Committee to Review the Post-Graduate Research Fund, University Malaya
Member, Organising Committee, International Conference on Southeast Asia, Faculty Of Arts And Social Sciences
Coordinator, Master of Arts (Southeast Asian History) Programme, Department Of History, Faculty Of Arts And Social Sciences
Chairman, Postgraduate Workshop Organising Committee, Department Of History, Faculty Of Arts And Social Sciences
Chairman, Postgraduate Workshop Organising Committee, Department Of History, Faculty Of Arts And Social Sciences
Director, Institut Pengajian China, Institute Of China Studies, Deputy Vice Chancellor(Research & Innovation), 01-Jan-15 – 31-Dec-16
Director, Pusat Perancangan & Strategi Global (Ppsg), Global Planning And Strategy Centre, Vice Chancellor, 01-Jul-13 – 31-Dec-15
Faculty representative to the Jawatankuasa Ijazah Tinggi Fakulti Sastera & Sains Sosial, Faculty Of Arts And Social Sciences, 01-Jan-14 – 31-Dec-14
Deputy Director, Pusat Perancangan & Strategi Global (Ppsg), Global Planning And Strategy Centre, Vice Chancellor, 01-Jan-12 – 31-Dec-14
Director, Institut Pengajian China, Institute Of China Studies, Deputy Vice Chancellor(Research & Innovation), 02-Jan-14 – 31-Dec-14
Head of Malaysian Chinese Research Centre, Humanities Research Cluster, 01-Jan-14 – 31-Jan-14
Member (Faculty Representative) at Faculty Postgraduate Studies Committee (JKIT), Faculty Of Arts And Social Sciences, 13-Aug-11 – 12-Aug-13
Director, Pusat Perancangan & Strategi Global (Ppsg), Global Planning And Strategy Centre, Vice Chancellor, 16-Aug-12 – 30-Jun-13
Ahli, Jawatankuasa Penapisan Calon Staf Akademik Universiti Malaya Bertaraf Pensyarah, University Malaya, 12-Apr-11 – 13-Apr-13
Deputy Dean, Pejabat Dekan, Faculty Of Arts And Social Sciences Dean’s Office, Faculty Of Arts And Social Sciences, 01-Sep-09 – 15-Mar-10
Head, Maritime Law & Policy Unit, Institute Of Ocean And Earth Sciences (Ioes), Institute Of Ocean And Earth Sciences, Deputy Vice Chancellor(Research & Innovation), 18-Dec-07 – 31-Dec-09
Deputy Dean, Pejabat Dekan, Faculty Of Arts And Social Sciences Dean’s Office, Faculty Of Arts And Social Sciences, 01-Sep-07 – 31-Aug-09
Deputy Dean, Pejabat Dekan, Faculty Of Arts And Social Sciences Dean’s Office, Faculty Of Arts And Social Sciences, 01-Sep-06 – 31-Aug-07

History Of Vietnam
History Of Southeast Asia
History Of Sabah

Danny Wong Tze Ken & Stella Moo-Tan (eds.) The Diaries of G.C. Woolley, Volume One: 1901-1907, Kota Kinabalu: Sabah State Museum, 2015.
Danny Wong Tze Ken, Historical Sabah: The War, Kota Kinabalu: Opus Publications, 2010.
Danny Wong Tze Ken (ed.), The Governors of British NOrth Borneo and Heads of State of Sabah: a Brief HIstory, Kota Kinabalu: Sabah State Library, 2009. [published in 2010]
James Sarda & Danny Wong Tze Ken, Spirit of Borneo: Hollywood’s First Glimpse, Kuala Lumpur: Era Publications for the Sabah State Government, 2009.
Danny Wong Tze Ken (ed.)2008, Memory and Knowledge of the Sea in Southeast Asia (Institute of Ocean and Earth Sciences Monograph No. 3), Kuala Lumpur: Institute of Ocean and Earth Sciences, University of Malaya. [Book-ISBN: 978-983-9576-36-8]
Danny Wong Tze Ken, The Nguyen and Champa during 17th and 18th Century: A Study of Nguyen Foreign Relations, Champaka Monograph No. 5, Paris-San Jose: International Office of Champa, 2007.
Danny Wong Tze Ken (ed.), Sejarah Ringkas Tuan Yang Terutama Yang Di-Pertua Negeri Sabah dan Gabenor Borneo Utara, Kota Kinabalu: Sabah State Library, 2006.
Danny Wong Tze Ken et al. (eds.), Sejarah: Sumber dan Pendekatan, Kuala Lumpur: University of Malaya Press, 2006
Danny Wong Tze Ken, Historical Sabah: The Chinese, Kota Kinabalu: Natural History Publications, 2005.
Danny Wong Tze Ken, Historical Sabah: Society and Community, Kota Kinabalu: Natural History Publications, 2004.
Danny Wong Tze Ken (co-author), Champa Tren Lan Song Bao Chi Quoc Te tu nam 1975 (Champa in International Printed Media Since 1975), San Jose: International Office of Champa, 2002.[In Vietnamese] (with Po Dharma and Abdul Karim)
Danny Wong Tze-Ken, The Transformation of an Immigrant Society: A Study of the Chinese of Sabah, London: ASEAN Academic Press, 1998.
Danny Wong Tze-Ken, Our Anchor Holds: A History of the Boys Brigade in Malaysia 1946-1996, Petaling Jaya: The Boys Brigade in Malaysia, 1996.
Danny Wong Tze-Ken, Vietnam-Malaysia Relations During the Cold War, 1945-1990, Kuala Lumpur: University of Malaya Press, 1995.
Chapter In Book
Danny Wong Tze Ken, Qiaopi from Malaysia as Depository of Social History and Sources of Remittance to China, in Ding Zhilong et al. (eds.) Chinese Qiaopi and Memory of the World, Xiamen: Fujian Province Archives & Lujiang Press, 2014, pp. 508-519.
Danny Wong Tze Ken, The Hakka in Sabah before World War Two: Their Adaptation to New Environment, Challenges and the Forging of New Identity, in Chang Wei-an (ed.), The Hakka in Southeast Asia and their Environment, Tao Yuan: National Central University Press and Taipei: Yuan Liu Publisher, 2013, pp. 235-260.
Danny Wong Tze Ken, Towkays and Men of God: Hakka Leadership in North Borneo Before 1963, in Lim Khai- Tiong (ed.), Southeast Asian Hakkas: Community Life and Culture, Miao-li, Taiwan: Hakka Commission Center for Hakka Cultural Development & National Jinan University Center for Southeast Asian Studies, 2013, pp. 64-81.

Danny Wong Tze Ken, Views from the Other Side: The Early Cold War in Malaysia from the Memoirs and Writings of former MCP Members, in Albert Lau (ed.), Southeast Asia and the Cold War, London: Routledge, 2012, pp. 85-101.
Danny Wong Tze Ken, Arkib Champa Panduranga dalam Bahasa Sino-Vietnamese, dalam Zulkanain Abdul Rahman, Arba’iyah Mohd Noor, Ahmad Kamal Ariffin Mohd Rus (eds), Dastar Pendeta: Kumpulan Esei Sempena Persaraan Profesor Dr. Abdullah Zakaria Ghazali, Kuala Lumpur: Jabatan Sejarah, Universiti Malaya, 2012, pp. 167-174.

Danny Wong Tze Ken.sha ba ke jia ren yu ying wen jiao yu(Hakka in Sabah and English Education).in Huang Li- Sheng (Ed.)Confucianism and Education in Southeast Asian Culture.Taiwan:National Taiwan University Press. pp.189- 207.
Wong, Danny, Tze-Ken. 2011. The Chinese in Sabah: A Transforming Community. Dlm. Centre for Malaysian Chinese Studies. Malaysian Chinese: An Inclusive Society, hlm. 17- 39. Kuala Lumpur: Centre for Malaysian Chinese Studies.
Danny Wong Tze Ken, The Sino-Kadazan Hybrid in Sabah: Research on Chineseness in an East Malaysian Hybrid Community in Wong Sin Kiong (ed.), Ethnicity, History and Culture: Trans-Regional and Cross-Disciplinary Studies on Southeast Asia and East Asia, Singapore: Department of Chinese Studies, National University of Singapore and Global Publishing Ltd., 2011, pp. 347- 362.
Danny Wong Tze Ken, The Basel Christian Church of Malaysia and the Hakka Identity in Sabah, in Michael Hsiao Hsin-Huang (ed.), Changing Faces of Hakka in Southeast: Singapore and Malaysia, Taipei: Center for Asia-Pacific Area Studies, RCHSS, Academia Sinica, 2011, pp. 367-402.
Danny Wong Tze Ken, Vietnamese Chinese and their Contributions to the Chinese Revolution (1900-1911), in Leo Suryadinata (ed.), Sun Yat Sen, Nanyang and the Xinhai Revolution: a Revisit, Singapore: Chinese Heritage Centre, Nanyang Techonological University and Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 2011, pp. 33-52.
Danny Wong Tze Ken. Vietnam-Champa Relations during 17th and 18th centuries in Bruce Lockhard and Tran Ky Phuong (eds.), The Cham of Vietnam. Singapore: National University of Singapore Press, 2011, pp. 238- 262.
Danny Wong Tze Ken, Pilihan Raya Umum Ke-12 di Sabah: Beberapa Pemerhatian, in Joseph M. Fernando, Zulkanain Abdul Rahman and Suffian Mansor (eds), Pilihan Raya Umum Malaysia Ke-12: Isu dan Pola Pengundian, Kuala Lumpur: Penerbit Universiti Malaya, 2011, pp. 249-262.
Danny Wong Tze Ken & Ho Hui Ling, Chinese Politics in Sabah and Sarawak: Ensuring a Role in Government, in Voon Phin Keong (ed.), The Chinese in Malaysia and National Building, Vol. 2, Kuala Lumpur: Malaysian Centre for Chinese Studies, 2010, pp. 445-468.(In Chinese)
Danny Wong Tze Ken, The Women of Sabah: an Overview, in Neil Khor (ed.), Chinese Women: Their Malaysian Journey, Kuala Lumpur: Ministry of Tourism Malaysia, 2010, pp. 43- 45.
1.Danny Wong Tze Ken, Malaysia during the Early Cold War Era: The War in Indochina and Malaya, 1946- 1963 in Christopher Goscha and Christian Ostermman (eds), Connecting Histories: Decolonization and the Cold War in Southeast Asia, Stanford: Stanford University Press and Woodrow Wilson Center. 2009, pp. 258-274.
Danny Wong Tze Ken, The Formation of Malaysia: Forging a Nation from the Crucible of Colonialism , in Voon Phin Keong (ed.), Malaysian Chinese and Nation- Building: Before Merdeka and Fifty Years After, Vol. I, Kuala Lumpur: Centre for Malaysian Chinese Studies, 2009, pp. 135-162.(In Chinese)
Danny Wong Tze Ken, “New Introduction” in Owen Rutter, British North Borneo, Kota Kinabalu: Opus Publications, 2008, pp. xv-xxi. [Reprinted from London: Constable & Co., 1922]
2.Danny Wong Tze Ken, The Nguyen Lord and the English Factory on Pulo Condore at the Beginning of 18th Century , in Frederic Mantienne and Keith W. Taylor (eds.) Monde Du Vietnam: Hommage to Nguyen The Anh, Paris: Editions Les Indes Savantes, 2008, pp. 371-384.
Danny Wong Tze Ken, Ly Van Phuc and His Tay Hanh Kien Van Ky Luoc: A Confucianist View of Southeast Asia in Huang Li-Sheng (ed.), East Asian Sea Area and Cultural Interactions: Harbors, Trade, Migration, and Cultural Diffusion, Keelung: Institute of Oceanic Culture of National Taiwan Ocean University Press, Series of Oceanic Cultural Studies, No. 1, 2008, pp. 377-398.
Danny Wong Tze Ken, Chinese Migration to Sabah before the Second World War , in Geoff Wade (ed.), China and Southeast Asia, Volume 5: The Republican Period and Southeast Asia (1912-49), London: Routledge Library on Southeast Asia, 2008.
Danny Wong Tze Ken, Condore Island in History: Different Images and Roles , in Danny Wong Tze Ken (ed.), Memory and Knowledge of the Sea in Southeast Asia, Kuala Lumpur: Institute of Ocean and Earth Sciences,University of Malaya, 2008, pp. 49-58.
Danny Wong Tze Ken & Ho Hui Ling, Chinese Politics in Sabah and Sarawak: Ensuring a Role in Government , in Voon Phin Keong (ed.), The Chinese in Malaysia Nation- Building, Volume II, Kuala Lumpur: Centre for Malaysia Chinese Studies, 2008, pp. 525-552.
Danny Wong Tze Ken, Writing History of the Chinese in Malaysia: Bridging Two Language Spheres , in Cheah Boon Kheng (ed.), New Perspectives and Research on Malaysian History, Kuala Lumpur: Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, 2007, pp. 247-270.
Danny Wong Tze Ken, Introduction in I.H.N. Evans, Religion of the Tempassuk Dusuns, Kota Kinabalu: Opus Publications, 2007, pp. xiii-xxviii.
Danny Wong Tze Ken, Patricia Regis and Stella Moo-Tan, Non-Indigenous Peoples of Sabah , Encyclopaedia of Malaysia: Peoples and Traditions, Kuala Lumpur: Editions Didier Millet, 2006, pp. 132-133.(Published in January 2007) (Non-ISI/Non-SCOPUS Cited Publication)
Danny Wong Tze Ken, The Formation of Malaysia: Forging a Nation from the Crucible of Colonialism , in Voon Phin Keong (ed.), Malaysian Chinese and Nation-Building: Before Merdeka and Fifty Years After, Vol. I, Kuala Lumpur: Centre for Malaysian Chinese Studies, 2007, pp. 155-186.
Danny Wong Tze Ken, A Memorial to Friendship , in A Special Place, Kuala Lumpur: Badan Warisan Malaysia, 2007, p. 24.
Danny Wong Tze Ken, The Basel Christian Church and the Forging of Hakka Identity in Sabah, in Michael Hsiao and Chiu Chang- Thai (eds.), Hakka Ethnic and Local Society: The Experiences of Taiwan and Global, Taipei: National Central University Hakka College and Best Wise, 2007, pp. 369-384. (Non-ISI/Non-SCOPUS Cited Publication)
Danny Wong Tze Ken, Kinabalu Guerrillas: The Inanam-Menggatal-Telipok Basel Church Connections in Chong Tet Loi (ed.), The Hakka Experiment in Sabah, Kota Kinabalu: Sabah Theological Seminary, 2007, pp. 166-188. (Non-ISI/Non-SCOPUS Cited Publication)
Danny Wong Tze Ken, Introduction to Tuaran Adat in G.C. Woolley, Tuaran Adat: Some Customs of the Dusuns of Tuaran West Coast Residency, North Borneo, Kota Kinabalu: Natural History Publications, 2006, pp. 1-15.
Danny Wong Tze-Ken, Vietnam Laying the Path for the Tenth National Congress in Daljit Singh and Lorraine C. Salazar (eds.), Southeast Asian Affairs 2006, Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 2006, pp. 345-365.
Danny Wong Tze Ken, A Fine Balancing Act: Vietnam Negotiating between China and Vietnam , in Ho Khai Leong and Ho Kok Chung (eds.), Ensuring Interests: Dynamics of China-Taiwan Relations and Southeast Asia, Kuala Lumpur: Institute of China Studies, University of Malaya, 2006, pp. 262-275.
Danny Wong Tze Ken, Introduction to Dusun Customs in Putatan District in OKK Pangeran Osman Bin OKK Pangeran Omar, Putatan Customs in Putatan District, Kota Kinabalu: Natural History Publications, 2006, pp. 1-18.
Danny Wong Tze Ken, Sustaining a Historical Position: Political Leadership in Vietnam, Challenges for the Communist Party of Vietnam , in Mohammad Redzuan Othman et al. (eds.), Sejarah dan Pembinaan Bangsa, Kuala Lumpur: University of Malaya Press, 2006, pp. 279-295.
Danny Wong Tze Ken, Vietnamese History in Malaysia: From War Studies to Ethnicity , in Danny Wong Tze Ken et al. (eds.), Sejarah: Sumber dan Pendekatan, Kuala Lumpur: University of Malaya Press, 2006, pp. 245-260.
Danny Wong Tze Ken, Introduction to Crowned with the Stars in Mike Gibby, Crowned with the Stars: The Life and Times of Don Carlos Cuarteron, First Prefect of Borneo, 1846-1880, Kota Kinabalu: Kota Kinabalu Diocese, 2005, pp. xii-xiv.
Danny Wong Tze Ken, The Chinese Population in Sabah: A Historical Survey , in Voon Phin Keong (ed.), The Chinese Population in Malaysia: Trends and Issues, Kuala Lumpur: Centre for Malaysian Chinese Studies, 2004, pp. 147-162.
Danny Wong Tze Ken, Weaker Kingmakers? Chinese Politics in Sabah Under Mahathir , in Bridget Welsh (ed.), Reflections, the Mahathir Years, Washington DC: Southeast Asian Studies Program, John Hopkins University, 2004, pp. 199-209.
Danny Wong Tze Ken, Nuoc Do Ba: Malay World from Vietnamese Historical Sources , in Po Dharma and Mak Phoeun (eds.), Peninsule Indochinoise et Monde Malais (Relations historiques et culturelles), Kuala Lumpur: Ecole Francaise d Extreme-Orient and Ministry of Culture, Arts and Tourism Malaysia, 2003, pp. 181-199.
Danny Wong Tze-Ken, The Search for Modernity: The Chinese in Sabah and English Education , Michael Walter Charney, Tong Chee Kiong and Brenda Yeoh (eds.), Chinese Migrants Abroad: Cultural, Educational, and Social Dimensions of the Chinese Diaspora, Singapore: Singapore University Press and World Scientific. 2003, pp. 145-160.
Danny Wong Tze Ken, Vietnam and Insular Southeast Asia, A Limited Relations: Two Views of the Straits Settlements from Tay Hanh Kien Van Ki Luoc and Hai Trinh Chi Luoc in Daniel Perret and Harris Iskander (eds.) 25 Tahun Kerjasama Pusat Penelitian Arkeologi dan Ecole Francaise d Extreme-Orient: Dimensi Budaya dalam Membangun Persatuan Bangsa-bangsa di Asia Tenggara, Jakarta: Pusat Arkeologi Indonesia and cole Fran aise d Extr me-Orient, 2002, pp. 249-271.
Danny Wong Tze-Ken, An Early Profile of a People: The Hakkas in Sabah, 1881-1946, in Mohd. Redzuan Othman et al. (eds.), Jendela Masa: Esei-esei Semperna Persaraan Prof. Dato Khoo Kay Kim, Kuala Lumpur: University of Malaya Press, 2001, pp. 217-244. (Non-ISI/Non-SCOPUS Cited Publication)
Danny Wong Tze-Ken, The Chinese in Kota Kinabalu , in Centennial Register of Kota Kinabalu, Kota Kinabalu: Institute of Development Studies and Kota Kinabalu City Hall, 2001, pp. 81-86. (Non-ISI/Non-SCOPUS Cited Publication)
Danny Wong Tze Ken, Tan Chee Khoon: Loyal Oppositionist , in Ho Kai Leong (ed.), The Political Elites in Malaysian Chinese History, Taipei: Academia Sinica, 2001, pp. 177-197. [In Chinese]
Danny Wong Tze-Ken, The Chinese in Sabah: An Overview , in Lee Kam Hing and Tan Chee Beng (eds.), The Chinese in Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur: Oxford University Press, 2000, pp. 381-403.
Article In Academic Journals
Danny Wong Tze Ken, The Name of Sabah and the Sustaining of a New Identity in a New Nation, Archipel, No. 89. 2015, pp. 161-178. (ISI-Cited Publication)
Kam Hing Lee, Danny Tze-ken Wong, Tak Ming Ho, Kwan Hoong Ng. 2014. Dr Wu Lien-teh: moderning post-1911 China’s public health service. Singapore Medical Journal 55(2) : 99-102 (ISI/SCOPUS Cited Publication)
Danny Wong Tze Ken,Fan Pik Wah,Chai Siaw Ling.2014.War and Love: Ye Chuanhua (Diep Truyen Hoa), a Vietnamese Chinese Educationist and His War Time Poems.Foreign Literature Studis,37(6):55-62 (ISI/SCOPUS Cited Publication)
Daniel Perret & Danny Wong Tze Ken, Monde Insulindien et Peninsule Indochinoise: un panorama de contacts millenaires, Archipel, Vol. 85, 2013, pp. 7-42. (ISI-Cited Publication)

Danny Wong Tze Ken, The Cham Arrivals in Malaysia: Distant Memories and Rekindled Links, Archipel, Vol. 85, 2013, pp. 151-165. (ISI-Cited Publication)

Danny Wong Tze Ken & Lee Kam Hing.Multi Culturalism at the Fringe: Christianity and the Indigenous Communities in Malaysia.Universitas-Monthly Review of Philosophy and Culture.40(2):83-109. (ISI-Cited Publication)
Kam-Hing Lee, Danny Tze-ken Wong, Kwan-Hoong Ng, Dr Sun Yat-sen (1866 C1925): medical doctor and China s founding president, Singapore Medical Journal, 2013, 54(6): 356-358 (ISI-Cited Publication)
Danny Wong Tze Ken, The Papar Land Case, 1910-1911, Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, Vol. 43, No. 3, October 2012, pp. 422-440. (ISI-Cited Publication)

Danny Wong Tze Ken, A Hybrid Community in East Malaysia: The Sino-Kadazan of Sabah and their Search for an Identity, Archipel, No. 84, 2012, pp. 107-127. (ISI-Cited Publication)

Danny Wong Tze Ken, The Destruction of the English Factory on Pulo Condore, 1702-1705, Modern Asian Studies, Vol. 46, No. 5, 2012, pp. 1097-1115, (ISI-cited publication) (ISI-Cited Publication)

Danny Wong Tze Ken. The Destruction of the English East India Company Factory on Condore Island, 1702- 1705, Modern Asian Studies, doi: 10.1017/ S0026749X11000424, Published Online by Cambridge University Press 30 August 2011, pp. 1-19. (ISI-Cited Publication)
Danny Wong Tze Ken, Review of Borneo Diaries, 1938-1942, Journal of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, Vol. 83, Part 2, pp. 122-124. (Non-ISI/Non-SCOPUS Cited Publication)
Danny Wong Tze Ken, Pony Racing and Community in Sabah, Sabah Society Journal, Vol. 26, 2009, pp. 19-33. [published in 2010] (Non-ISI/Non-SCOPUS Cited Publication)
Danny Wong Tze Ken, “Review of Swee Liam, Tears of a Teen-Age Comfort Woman (Singapore: Horizon Books, 2008)”, Sarjana, Vol. 24, No.1, June 2009, pp. 133-135.
Danny Wong Tze Ken, GC Woolley and the Codification of Native Adats in North Borneo , New Zealand Journal of Asian Studies, Vol. 11, No. 1 (June 2009): 88-106. (SCOPUS-Cited Publication)
Danny Wong Tze Ken, Historical Relations between the Chams and the Malays: Sustaining Common Identity, Culture and Ethnicity through Two Millennia of Relations , Southeast Asia: History and Culture, (Journal of the Japan Society for Southeast Asian Studies), No. 37, May 2008, pp. 112-136. (Non-ISI/Non-SCOPUS Cited Publication)
Danny, Wang Tze-ken,Research on Cham History in Malaysia,in Asian Research Trends: New Series (The Toyo Bunko, Tokyo), No. 3, 2008, 25-44. (Non-ISI/Non-SCOPUS Cited Publication)
Danny Wong Tze Ken, In Search of Simon [Sindurang Bulakang]: a Pioneer Defender of Kadazan Rights in Colonial North Borneo , Borneo Research Bulletin, Vol. 39, 2008, pp. 53-70.
Danny Wong Tze Ken, The Missing Entries of GC Woolley s War Time Diary , Sabah Society Journal, 2005, pp. 49-70. (Non-ISI/Non-SCOPUS Cited Publication)
Danny Wong Tze Ken, The Petagas War Memorial and the Creation of a Heroic Past in Sabah, Journal of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, Vol. 80, Part 2, No. 293, December 2007, pp. 19-32. (Non-ISI/Non-SCOPUS Cited Publication)
Danny Wong Tze Ken, The Kinabalu Guerrillas in Local and National History , Sabah Society Journal, Vol. 23, 2006, pp. 19-30. (Published in 2007) (Non-ISI/Non-SCOPUS Cited Publication)
Danny Wong Tze Ken 2006, Review of Vietnam s Development Strategies by Pietro P. Masina , Contemporary Southeast Asia (Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore), Vol. 28, No. 3, pp. 520-524. (Non-ISI/Non-SCOPUS Cited Publication)
Danny Wong Tze Ken, The Hakka of Sabah and English Education , Oceanic Culture Journal (Taiwan), No. 1, December 2005, pp. 67-85.[In Chinese] (Non-ISI/Non-SCOPUS Cited Publication)
Danny Wong Tze Ken, Norman Charles Labrie: Fulro. Tinh hinh chinh tri cang thang o Tay Nguyen Viet Nam (A Review of Norman Charles Labrie s FULRO: The History of Political Tension in the South Vietnamese Highlands), CHAMPAKA,(Journal of International Office of Champa, Paris) No. 4, 2004, pp. 193-198. (Non-ISI/Non-SCOPUS Cited Publication)
Danny Wong Tze Ken, Vietnam-Champa Relations and the Malay-Islam Regional Network in the 17th-19th centuries , Kyoto Review of Southeast Asia, No. 5, March 2004. (Non-ISI/Non-SCOPUS Cited Publication)
Danny Wong Tze Ken, The Kapitan China in the Malaysian State of Sabah , Journal of Malaysian Chinese Studies, (Centre for Malaysian Chinese Studies), Vol. 4, 2001, pp. 113-128.(Published in 2003) (Non-ISI/Non-SCOPUS Cited Publication)
Danny Wong Tze Ken, Historical Sources on Sabah: Some Recent Observations , Malaysia in History, (Journal of the Malaysian Historical Society), No. 30, 2002, pp. 105-118. (Non-ISI/Non-SCOPUS Cited Publication)
Danny Wong Tze Ken, Tinh Hinh Nghien Cuu Viet Nam a Malaysia (A Survey of Vietnamese Studies in Malaysia), in Tap Chi Khoa Hoc (Journal of Science, Journal of the National University of Vietnam), Vol. XVIII, No. 2, 2002, pp. 58-63. [In Vietnamese] (Non-ISI/Non-SCOPUS Cited Publication)
Danny Wong Tze Ken, Changing Perception of the Malay World and Indochina as Seen from Vietnamese Sources , SEJARAH, No. 9, 2001, pp. 107-131. (Non-ISI/Non-SCOPUS Cited Publication)
Danny Wong Tze-Ken, Anti-Japanese Activities in North Borneo before World War Two, 1937-1941 , Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, Vol. 32, No. 1, February 2001, pp. 93-106. (ISI-Cited Publication)
Danny Wong Tze-Ken, Vietnam: Politik Penolakan dan Kebangkitan Sejak 1986 (Political Dissention in Vietnam Since 1986), PEMIKIR, No. 21, Julai-September, 2000, pp. 43-62. (Non-ISI/Non-SCOPUS Cited Publication)
Danny Wong Tze-Ken, Doi Moi di Vietnam (Doi Moi in Vietnam), PEMIKIR, No. 20, April-Jun, 2000, pp. 81-96. (Non-ISI/Non-SCOPUS Cited Publication)
Danny Wong Tze-Ken, The Hakka in Sabah, 1882-1946 , Sabah Society Journal, 2000, pp. 1-36. (Non-ISI/Non-SCOPUS Cited Publication)
Danny Wong Tze-Ken, The British North Borneo Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society and its Museum, 1893-1897 , Journal of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, Vol. LXXIII, Part 1, June 2000, pp. 17-28. (Non-ISI/Non-SCOPUS Cited Publication)
Danny Wong Tze-Ken, Chinese Migration to Sabah Before the Second World War , ARCHIPEL, No. 58, Vol. III, 1999, pp. 131-158. (Non-ISI/Non-SCOPUS Cited Publication)
Danny Wong Tze-Ken, Nhung moi quan he qiua Nguyen va vuong quoc Champa: Buoc nghien cuu khoi dau (Relations Between the Nguyen Lords and the Champa Kingdom: a Preliminary Study), CHAMPAKA, (Journal of the International Office of Champa, San Jose, California) No. 1, 1999, pp. 59-75.[In Vietnamese] (Non-ISI/Non-SCOPUS Cited Publication)
Danny Wong Tze-Ken, The Diary Notes of E. P. Gueritz , Sabah Society Journal, Vol. 15, 1998, pp. 1-28. (Non-ISI/Non-SCOPUS Cited Publication)
Danny Wong Tze-Ken, The Other Ho Chi Minh Trail: Maritime Infiltration to the South Vietnam , SEJARAH, (Journal of the History Department, University of Malaya) No. 6, 1998, pp. 133-150 (Non-ISI/Non-SCOPUS Cited Publication)
Danny Wong Tze-Ken, Relations Between the Nguyen Lords of Southern Vietnam and the Champa Kingdom: A Preliminary Study , SEJARAH, No. 5, 1997, pp.169-180. (Non-ISI/Non-SCOPUS Cited Publication)
Danny Wong Tze-Ken, Masyarakat Cina di Sabah Sebelum Perang Dunia Kedua: Satu Kajian Aspek Migrasi PURBA (Journal of the Museum Association of Malaysia), No. 16,1997, pp. 45-61. (Non-ISI/Non-SCOPUS Cited Publication)
Danny Wong Tze-Ken, The Contribution of the Vietnamese Chinese to the 1911 Revolution in China , SEJARAH, (Journal of the Department of History, University of Malaya) No. 3, 1994-1995, pp. 129-150. (Non-ISI/Non-SCOPUS Cited Publication)
Danny Wong Tze Ken, Early Hakka Businessmen and Entrepreneurs in Sabah, 1882-1941 , Proceedings of the International Conference on Hakka in Asia Pacific, Hakka Research Institute, Taiwan Central University and Miao Li County Government, 13-14 December 2003.
Danny Wong Tze-Ken, Anti-Japanese Activities in Sabah Before World War Two, 1931-1941 , in Michael Leigh (ed.) Borneo 2000: Politics, History and Development, Proceedings of the Sixth Biennial Borneo Research Conference, Kuching: Universiti Malaysia Sarawak and Sarawak Development Institute, 10-14 July 2000, pp. 211-248.
Danny Wong Tze-Ken, Masyarakat Orang Cina di Sabah Sebelum Perang Dunia Kedua: Satu Kajian Awal Aspek Migrasi , Nik Hassan Suhaimi Nik Abd. Rahman et al., (eds.), Sejarah dan Proses Pemantapan Negara-Bangsa: Prosiding Kongres Sejarah Malaysia Kedua, Jilid I, Kuala Lumpur: Persatuan Sejarah Malaysia, 1998, pp. 281-306.
Po Dharam, Danny Wong Tze Ken, Mohd Zain Musa (trans.), Empat Leksikon Bahasa Melayu-Bahasa Cam yang disusun di Campa pada Abad ke-17, Kuala Lumpur: Kementerian Kebudayaan, Kesenian dan Pelancongan Malaysia & Ecole Francaise D reme-Orient, 2000, 403 pp.(Translated from Quatre Lexiques Malais Cam Anciens Re-diges au Campa, Paris: Ecole Francaise d Extreme-Orient, 1999) (Non-ISI/Non-SCOPUS Cited Publication)
Danny Wong Tze Ken, Pencetakan dan Penerbitan Cina di Nusantara (Dari Akhir Abad ke-19 hingga Awal Abad ke-20) in Daniel Perret and Puteri Rashidah Megat Ramli (eds.), Hubungan Budaya Dalam Sejarah Dunia Melayu-Artikel dalam Archipel, Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, 1998.
Mass Media(Newspaper,radio,tv,popular Magazine)
Danny Wong Tze Ken, Memorial for Manliest of Them All, New Straits Times, 3 September 2012.
Danny Wong Tze Ken, Sabah Menhirs Disappearing, New Straits Times, 24 October 2012.
Danny Wong Tze Ken, “Historical Sabah – Swee Lian and Her Tragic Teens”, Daily Express, 5 January 2009.
Danny Wong Tze Ken, “Historical Sabah – Batu Sapi – Natural Icon of Sandakan”, Daily Express, 24 November 2008.
Danny Wong Tze Ken, “Historical Sabah – How Hone Cup Came About”, Daily Express, 15 December 2008.
Danny Wong Tze Ken, “Historical Sabah – Preserving Sabah’s Stone Icons”, Daily Express, 10 November 2008.
Danny Wong Tze Ken, A Brief Uprising and a Long Remembrance, Sunday Star, 31 July 2005.
Danny Wong Tze Ken, San Sheng Kung: Sandakan s Historical Depository , in Discovery Sabah, Vol. 3, Issue 6, December 2003-January 2004. (Non-ISI/Non-SCOPUS Cited Publication)
Danny Wong Tze Ken, Vietnam s Long War of Independence, in Window to the Past, The Star, 14 October 2002. (Non-ISI/Non-SCOPUS Cited Publication)
Danny Wong Tze Ken, Vietnam Pushing Reform from Above , The Star, 28 November 1998. (Non-ISI/Non-SCOPUS Cited Publication)
List Of Written Works That Have Not Been Published
Danny Wong Tze-Ken, The Chinese Factor in the Shaping of the Nguyen Rule over Southern Vietnam during the 17th & 18th Centuries , in Geoff Wade (ed.), China and Southeast Asia: Historical Interaction, Singapore: Singapore University Press. (Non-ISI/Non-SCOPUS Cited Publication)
Danny Wong Tze Ken, Vietnam-Champa Relations during the 17th and 18th Centuries , in Bruce Lockhart and Tran Ly Phuong (eds), New Scholarship on Champa, Singapore: Singapore University Press (Forthcoming) (Non-ISI/Non-SCOPUS Cited Publication)
Danny Wong Tze Ken, Early Hakka Businessmen and Entrepreneurs in Sabah, 1882-1941 , Malaysia in History.(Forthcoming) (Non-ISI/Non-SCOPUS Cited Publication)
Danny Wong Tze Ken, Sabah: A Brief Historical Overview , in Heritage Asia, Vol. 3, No. 2, December 2005-February 2006. (Non-ISI/Non-SCOPUS Cited Publication)
Danny Wong Tze Ken, Pony Riding in Sabah , in Heritage Asia, Vol. 3, No. 2, December 2005-February 2006. (Non-ISI/Non-SCOPUS Cited Publication)
Danny Wong Tze Ken (Guest ed.)Heritage Asia, Vol. 3, No. 2, December 2005-February 2006. (Non-ISI/Non-SCOPUS Cited Publication)
Danny Wong Tze Ken, Old Hanoi , in Heritage Asia, Vol. 1, No. 4, June-August 2004. (Non-ISI/Non-SCOPUS Cited Publication)
Danny Wong Tze Ken & Frank Lomax, Sabah Anglican Interior Mission , in Scott W. Sunquist (ed.), A Dictionary of Asian Christianity, Grand Rapid/Cambridge: William B. Eerdmans Publishing, 2001, p. 720. (Non-ISI/Non-SCOPUS Cited Publication)
Danny Wong Tze Ken, Cheah Loon Ghee, in Lee Kam Hing and Chow Mun Seong (comp.). Biographical Dictionary of the Chinese in Malaysia, Petaling Jaya: Pelanduk Publications, 1997, p. 17. (Non-ISI/Non-SCOPUS Cited Publication)
Danny Wong Tze Ken, Chong Khiam in Lee Kam Hing and Chow Mun Seong (comp.). Biographical Dictionary of the Chinese in Malaysia, Petaling Jaya: Pelanduk Publications, 1997, p. 28. (Non-ISI/Non-SCOPUS Cited Publication)
Danny Wong Tze Ken, Chong Khiam, in Lee Kam Hing and Chow Mun Seong (comp.). Biographical Dictionary of the Chinese in Malaysia, Petaling Jaya: Pelanduk Publications, 1997, p. 28. (Non-ISI/Non-SCOPUS Cited Publication)
Danny Wong Tze Ken, Chong Tian Vun, in Lee Kam Hing and Chow Mun Seong (comp.). Biographical Dictionary of the Chinese in Malaysia, Petaling Jaya: Pelanduk Publications, 1997, pp. 29-30. (Non-ISI/Non-SCOPUS Cited Publication)
5.Danny Wong Tze Ken, Chong Wai Cho. in Lee Kam Hing and Chow Mun Seong (comp.). Biographical Dictionary of the Chinese in Malaysia, Petaling Jaya: Pelanduk Publications, 1997, p. 30. (Non-ISI/Non-SCOPUS Cited Publication)
Danny Wong Tze Ken, Fung Ming Shan, in Lee Kam Hing and Chow Mun Seong (comp.). Biographical Dictionary of the Chinese in Malaysia, Petaling Jaya: Pelanduk Publications, 1997, p. 45. (Non-ISI/Non-SCOPUS Cited Publication)
Danny Wong Tze Ken, Kwan Hiu Sheung, in Lee Kam Hing and Chow Mun Seong (comp.). Biographical Dictionary of the Chinese in Malaysia, Petaling Jaya: Pelanduk Publications, 1997, p. 77. (Non-ISI/Non-SCOPUS Cited Publication)
Danny Wong Tze Ken, Kwan Yun Hin, in Lee Kam Hing and Chow Mun Seong (comp.). Biographical Dictionary of the Chinese in Malaysia, Petaling Jaya: Pelanduk Publications, 1997, pp. 77-78. (Non-ISI/Non-SCOPUS Cited Publication)
Danny Wong Tze Ken, Lam Man Ching, in Lee Kam Hing and Chow Mun Seong (comp.). Biographical Dictionary of the Chinese in Malaysia, Petaling Jaya: Pelanduk Publications, 1997, pp. 79-80. (Non-ISI/Non-SCOPUS Cited Publication)
Danny Wong Tze Ken, Lau Lai, in Lee Kam Hing and Chow Mun Seong (comp.). Biographical Dictionary of the Chinese in Malaysia, Petaling Jaya: Pelanduk Publications, 1997, pp. 80. (Non-ISI/Non-SCOPUS Cited Publication)
Danny Wong Tze Ken, Lo Tian Cheok, in Lee Kam Hing and Chow Mun Seong (comp.). Biographical Dictionary of the Chinese in Malaysia, Petaling Jaya: Pelanduk Publications, 1997, p. 118. (Non-ISI/Non-SCOPUS Cited Publication)
Danny Wong Tze Ken, Seah Quee Boon, in Lee Kam Hing and Chow Mun Seong (comp.). Biographical Dictionary of the Chinese in Malaysia, Petaling Jaya: Pelanduk Publications, 1997, p. 142. (Non-ISI/Non-SCOPUS Cited Publication)
Danny Wong Tze Ken, Tsen En Fook, in Lee Kam Hing and Chow Mun Seong (comp.). Biographical Dictionary of the Chinese in Malaysia, Petaling Jaya: Pelanduk Publications, 1997, p. 172. (Non-ISI/Non-SCOPUS Cited Publication)
(Project title), (Role), (From)-(Until), (Source), (Level).

The Chinese in Malaysia: Evolving Identity in a Globalizing Environment and in Nation Building, Principal Investigator(PI), 2013-2015, HIR
From Global Foreign Missionary Society to Localized Hakka Christian Churches, Communities and Cultures: A Comparative Studies of the Historical Development of the Basel Missionary Society-origin Hakka Churches and the Hakka Communities in China, Taiwan and Sabah, 1847 – 2001, Principal Investigator(PI), 2012-2014, Chiang Ching-Kuo Foundation, Taiwan, International
Sustaining oF Hakka Identity in,MaIaysia:Case Study of Four Hakka settlements, Principal Investigator(PI), 2012-2013, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG), National
Judicial Problems in South China Sea: a study of Overlapping Claims and Malaysia’s Position, Principal Investigator(PI), 2009-2010, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG), National
Hakka in Sabah: The Role of Basel Church in the Fostering of Hakka Identity, Principal Investigator(PI), 2008-2009, Center for Asia-Pacific Research, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, International
Narrating Historical Change in Malaysia Through Maps: Different Perceptions, Project Leader, 2008-2009, ScienceFund, National
Donald Stephens: the Proponent of Kadazan Nationalism, Principal Investigator(PI), 2008-2010, Short Term Research Fund (Vote F)(PJP), National
Adapting in Malaysian Language the Books Translated in Indonesian., translater, 2008-2010, EFEO (Ecole Francaise dExtreme Orient), International
Sino-Native Communities in Sabah, Principal Investigator(PI), 2007-2008, Short Term Research Fund (Vote F)(PJP), University
The Dynamics of Historical Precedents of Vietnam- Malaysia Relations: Drawing Inferences from the Past., Principal Investigator(PI), 2007-2008, UM (RU), University
Hybrid Communities in Malaysia: Their Origins and their Contributions Towards the Forging of Malaysian Identity, Principal Investigator(PI), 2007-2010, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS), National
Historical Precedents of Malaysia s External Linkages, Co-Investigator, 2003-2006, MOSTI, National
Historical and Cultural Relations Between the Malay World and Indochina World, researcher, 2002-2004, EFEO (Ecole Francaise dExtreme Orient), International
Royal Archives of Champa; Fond Sino-Vietnamese With cole Franaise Extrme-Orient, Paris, Principal Investigator(PI), 2001-present, Ecole Francaise dExtreme-Orient, Paris, International
(Project title), (Role), (From)-(Until), (Organisation).

GC Woolley Collections Publication Project, Consultant, 2014-2016, Sabah State Museum
Dokudrama Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka!, Consultant, 2005-2007, Ministry of Information
History of Labuan, 1800-1984, Consultant, 2004-2006, Labuan Authoprity (Perbadanan Labuan)
(Name of Award), (Awarding Institution), (Year Awarded), (Level).

University of Malaya Excellence Service Certificate, University of Malaya, 2009, (UNIVERSITY)
(Title), (Event), (Date Presented), (Organiser), (Level).

Pleanary/Keynote Speaker
Malaysia and China during the Cold War: Challenges of Archives and Documentation, International Conference on Relations between China and Its Neighboring Countries during the Cold War: Archives and Documentation, 21 Dec 2014 to 22 Dec 2014, Cold War and International History Center, East China Normal University & Woodrow Wilson Cold War Cebter, (International)
Invited Seminar
Historical Relations Between the Malays and the Chams, South East Asia Seminar, St Anthony College, Oxford University, 14 Jun 2006 to 14 Jun 2006, South East Asia Seminar Group, Oxford University, (International)
Nuoc Cha Va: Dunia Melayu dalam Sumber Sejarah Vietnam , (Nuoc Cha Va: The Malay World in Vietnamese Sources), International Seminar on Relations Between Indochina and the Malay World, Organised by Ecole Francaise d Extreme-Orient and the Ministry of cultural and Tourism Malaysia, 21 Nov 2000 to 23 Nov 2000, Ecole Francaise d Extreme-Orient and the Ministry of cultural and Tourism Malaysia, (International)
Invited Speaker
On Southeast Asian History, Promoting intercultural dialogue and a culture of peace in Southeast Asia through shared histories Second Expert Meeting, 16 Sep 2014 to 17 Sep 2014, UNESCO, Bangkok, (International)
Shifting Emphasis and Orientation in Chinese Culture and Chinese Education in Malaysia, International Workshop on China s Soft Footprint in Southeast Asia Final , Manila, 4-5 August 2014, 04 Aug 2014 to 05 Aug 2014, Southeast Asian Studies Regional Exchange Programme Foundatoin, (International)
Malaysia and the Cold War: Arduous Steps towards a Comprehensive View, International Conference on ‘The Cold War in Southeast Asia: Local Sources and Perspectives”, 07 Apr 2014 to 08 Apr 2014, Nanyang Technological University School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Center for Cold War and International History Studies, East China Normal University; Woodrow Wilson Center for Cold War., (International)
Chinese Capitalism in Malaysia: From Colonial Towkays to International Conglomerates, International Conference on Chinese Capitalism, ASEAN Economic Community and Overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia, 26 Jul 2014 to 27 Jul 2014, Organized by the Biodiversity and Indigenous Knowledge Study Center for Sustainable Development Faculty of Social Sciences, Chiangmai University, (International)
The Archives of the Basel Missionary Society and the Study of the Hakka, INternational Hakka Studies Workshop, 09 Nov 2013 to 10 Nov 2013, Hakka College, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan, (International)
Shifting emphasis and Orientation in Chinese Culture and Chinese Education in Malaysia, International Workshop on China’s Soft footprints in Southeast Asia, 14 Jun 2013 to 15 Jun 2013, SEASREP Foundation, INstitute of Sociology, Academia Sinica and Institute of International Relations, National Cheng-Chi University, (International)
Qiao Pi from Malaysia as Depository of Social History and Sources of Remittance to China, International Conference on China QiaoPi and the Memory of the World Project, 19 Apr 2013 to 20 Apr 2013, National Archives of China, (International)
Chinese Migration Abroad to Southeast Asia during the 19th & 20th Centuries: the Role of the Christian Missions, International Conference on Modern Asian Migrants and Maritime Society, 19 Dec 2013 to 22 Dec 2013, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Sun Yat Sen University, China, (International)
Chee Swee Cheng, a Straits Hokkien in North Borneo, International Conference for the International Association of Historians of Asia, Solo, 2-5, July 2012., 02 Jul 2012 to 05 Jul 2012, International Association of Historians of Asia, (International)
Towkays and Men of God: Hakka Leadership in Pre-1963 North Borneo, International Conference on Southeast Asian Hakka Studies, 2012, organized by National Chi Nan University, Taiwan, 6-9 July 2012., 06 Jul 2012 to 09 Jul 2012, National Chi Nan University, Taiwan, (International)
Cham-Viet Relations in Binh Thuan Under Nguyen Rule from the late 17th century to mid-18th century, Second Nicholas Tarling Conference on Southeast Asia, 03 Nov 2011 to 04 Nov 2011, University of Humanities and Social Sciences, Vietnam National University, (International)
Early Hakka Entrepreneurs in Sabah, Seminar at Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences, National Tsinghua University, Taiwan, 06 Jul 2011 to 06 Jul 2011, Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences, National Tsinghua University, Taiwan, (International)
DAMA Chinese Orchestra: Claiming a Malaysian Chinese cultural identity, Conference on Intra-Regional Popular Cultural Flow: Towards an East Asian Identity, 17 Apr 2011 to 19 Apr 2011, New Zealand Asia Institute and Institute of International Relations, National Chengchi University, (International)
The Basel Church and Hakka Identity in Sabah, Seminar presentation at Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences, National Tsinghua University, Taiwan, 10 Dec 2010 to 10 Dec 2010, Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences, National Tsinghua University, Taiwan, (International)
The Basel Church and the Hakkas in Sabah, International Conference on Changing Faces of Hakka in Southeast Asia, 02 Aug 2010 to 03 Aug 2010, Research Center for Asia-Pacific Area Studies & Institute of Sociology, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, (International)
Hybrid Communities in Malaysia, seminar presentation at Kitasyushu University, Japan, 14 May 2010 to 14 May 2010, Kitasyushu University, Japan, (International)
Oral History as an Alternate Source for Historical Research in Malaysia, History Department, University of Malaya, Postgraduate Workshop, 25 Jul 2009 to 25 Jul 2009, Department of History, University of Malaya, (University)
Malaysia and Vietnam’s Claims on the Spratlys, Seminar on Research on Maritime Culture and Geopolitics, 10 Dec 2009 to 10 Dec 2009, Maritime Culture and Geopolitics Unit, Institute of Ocean and Earth Sciences, University of Malaya, (International)
The War in Indochina and its impact on Malaya, 1946-1963, Inaugural Nicholas Tarling Conference on Southeast Asian Studies, 09 Nov 2009 to 10 Nov 2009, History Department, National University of Singapore, (International)
The Sino-Natives of Sabah, Third Asia Forum for Ethnic, Historical and Cultural Studies – Ethnic Relations and Regional Comparison of Southeast Asian Chinese Communities, 13 Nov 2009 to 15 Nov 2009, Chinese Studies Department, National University of Singapore, (International)
The Cham Arrivals in Malaysia, International Seminar on Historical Relations between Indochina and the Malay World, 20 Oct 2009 to 21 Oct 2009, Jabatan Sejarah, University of Malaya and Ecole Francaise d\’Extreme-Orient, (International)
Donald Stephens and Sabah’s Response towards Singapore Separation, Seminar Kebangsaan Sejarah Malaysia “Di Mana Kebenarannya”, 08 Oct 2009 to 08 Oct 2009, Bahagian Sejarah, Universiti Sains Malaysia, (National)
Pulo Condore in History: Different Images and Roles, International Seminar on Maritime Culture and Geopolitics, 23 Oct 2008 to 24 Oct 2008, Maritime Culture and Geopolitics Research Unit, Institute of Ocean and Earth Sciences, University of Malaya, (International)
Sabah Selepas 1963: Masalah Pensejarahan, Seminar on Sabah Selepas 50 Tahun Kemerdekaan Malaysia, 04 Sep 2007 to 05 Sep 2007, Universiti Teknologi Mara, (National)
From Gaya to Jesselton: The Establishment of the Jesselton Township, 5th International Convention for Asian Scholars, 02 Aug 2007 to 05 Aug 2007, International Institute of Asian Studies and Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, (International)
The Twenty Points and Sabahans, History Department Postgraduate Workshop, 25 Jul 2007 to 25 Jul 2007, Department of History, Universiti Malaya, (University)
Ly Van Phuc and His Tay Hanh Kien Van Ky Luoc: a Vietnamese Confucianist Scholar’s Views of Insular Southeast Asia, International Conference on Confucianism and Oceanic Culture, 01 Nov 2007 to 02 Nov 2007, Center of Oceanic Culture Studies, National Taiwan Ocean University, (International)
G.C. Woolley and the Codification of Native Customs in Sabah, International Conference in Honour of the 75th Birthday of Professor Nicholas Tarling, Southeast Asia: Past, Present and Future, 01 Feb 2006 to 03 Feb 2006, Asia Institute, Auckland University, New Zealand, (International)
Historical Relations Between the Chams and the Malays: Four Phases of Linkages, 40th Anniversary International Symposium of the Japan Society of Southeast Asian Studies, 09 Dec 2006 to 09 Dec 2006, Japan Society of Southeast Asian Studies, (International)
The Basel Church and the Sustaining of Hakka Identity in Sabah, First Taiwan International Conference on Hakka Studies,, 31 Oct 2006 to 01 Nov 2006, National Central University of Taiwan and the Hakka Commission of the Parliament, (International)
Vietnam in 2004-2005: Laying the Path for the Tenth National Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam, Regional Political and Strategic Forum, 23 Aug 2005 to 23 Aug 2005, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore, (International)
Masyarakat Awal di Sandakan: Maklumat dari Sumber Epigrafik dari San Sheng Kung, Seminar Sejarah Sosial Malaysia dan Serantau, 22 Jul 2005 to 23 Jul 2005, Jabatan Sejarah, Universiti Malaya, (National)
Vietnam-Champa Relations during the 17th-18th centuries, International Symposium on New Scholarship on Champa, 05 Aug 2004 to 06 Aug 2004, Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore, (International)
Filling in the Void: The Chinese Dimension, Sandakan Historical Tourism Workshop, 14 Jan 2003 to 14 Jan 2003, Sandakan Municipal Council, (Others)
The Kinabalu Guerrillas: The Inanam-Menggatal-Telipok Basel Church Connections, 90th Anniversary of the Hakka Community in Inanam-Menggatal-Telipok Areas, Pioneer Memorial Lectures Conference, 14 Mar 2003 to 14 Mar 2003, Basel Church, Kota Kinabalu, (Others)
The Evolution of Vietnamese Views of the Malay World: Trade and Perception during the late 18th and early 19th century, Annual Asia-Europe Workshop Series 2003 on Transnational Exchanges: Business Networks and Identity Formation in 19th and 20th century Asia and Europe, 06 May 2003 to 08 May 2003, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and University of Malaya, (International)
Genealogi Masyarakat Cina di Malaysia: Satu Pengenalan, National Seminar on Genealogy, 31 Jan 2003 to 31 Jan 2003, Penjawin and the Malay Studies Academy, University of Malaya, (National)
The Chinese Population in Sabah: A Historical Survey, Seminar on Chinese Population in Malaysia: Trends and Issues, 03 Aug 2003 to 13 Aug 2003, Centre for Malaysian Chinese Studies, (National)
The 1910 Papar Land Protest, 7th Biannual Borneo Research Council International Conference, 15 Jul 2002 to 18 Jul 2002, Borneo Research Council and the School of Social Sciences, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, (International)
Vietnam-Cambodia Relations during the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries: The Beginning of an Uneasy Relationship, International Conference of the Centenary of Ecole Francaise D Extreme-Orient, 07 Feb 2001 to 09 Feb 2001, Ecole Francaise D Extreme-Orient, Paris, (International)
Vietnam dan Kepulauan Asia Tenggara, Satu Hubungan Terhad: Dua Pandangan Negeri-negeri Selat dari Tay Hanh Kien Van Ki Luoc dan Hai Trinh Chi Luoc [Vietnam and Insular Southeast Asia, A Limited Relations: Two Views on the Straits Settlements from Tay Hanh Kien Van Ki Luoc and Hai Trinh Chi Luoc], International Conference on Dimensi Budaya dalam Membangun Persatuan Bangsa-bangsa di Asia Tenggara: Dua Puluh Lima Tahun Kerjasama Indonesia-Perancis dalam Bidang Kebudayaan di Asia Tenggara , organised by Pusat Arkeologi Indonesia and Ecole Francaise d Extreme-Orient, 16 Jul 2001 to 18 Jul 2001, Pusat Arkeologi Indonesia and Ecole Francaise d Extreme-Orient, (International)
The Chinese Factor in the Shaping of the Nguyen Rule over Southern Vietnam during the 17th & 18th Centuries, International Symposium on China and Southeast Asia: Historical Interaction, 19 Jul 2001 to 20 Jul 2001, Centre of Asian Studies, The University of Hong Kong, (International)
Changing Perception of the Malay World and Indochina as Seen from Vietnamese Sources, 3rd Malaysia Studies Conference, 03 Aug 2001 to 05 Aug 2001, Social Sciences Association of Malaysia and IKMAS, University Kebangsaan Malaysia, (International)
The Jesselton Uprising of October 9th 1943, 16th International Association of Historians of Asia Conference, 27 Jul 2000 to 31 Jul 2000, International Association of Historians of Asia, (International)
Masyarakat Orang Cina di Sabah Sebelum Perang Dunia Kedua: Satu Kajian Awal Aspek Migrasi (Chinese Community in Sabah Prior to the Second World War: An Early Study on Migration), Kongres Sejarah Malaysia II (Second National History Conference), 28 Nov 1996 to 28 Nov 1996, Malaysian Historical Society, (National)
Some Images from the 12th General Elections in Sabah, Department of History, University of Malaya, Seminar Series, 02 May 2008 to 02 May 2008, Department of History, University of Malaya, (University)
In Search of Simon (Sindurang Bulakang), A Pioneer Defender of Kadazan Rights in Colonial North Borneo, Borneo Research Council 9th Biennial International Conference, 29 Jul 2008 to 31 Jul 2008, Universiti Malaysia Sabah and Borneo Research Council, (International)
Traditional Regional Dynamics in Malaysia-Vietnam Relations: The Case of the Malay-Champa Alliance, 18th Conference of the International Association of Historians of Asia, 06 Dec 2004 to 10 Dec 2004, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, (International)
The Search for Modernity: The Chinese in Sabah and English Education, International Seminar on Migration and Education, Singapore, 31 Aug 2000 to 02 Sep 2000, Centre of Advanced Studies, National University of Singapore, (International)
Voices from the Eternal Abode of Rest:A Study of Chinese Cemeteries in Malaysia, UM Researchers Conference, 19 Nov 2013 to 20 Nov 2013, IPPP, University of Malaya, (University)
Quand La Chine Commencait a Cartographier Le Monde (When China Began to Draw the World Map), 24th International Festival of Geography, 03 Oct 2013 to 06 Oct 2013, Association for the Development of the International Festival of Geography (ADFIG), (International)
Seals in the Cham-Viet Relations in Binh Thuan Province,, International Conference on Seals as Symbols of Power and Authority in Southeast Asia, 6-7 November 2012., 06 Nov 2012 to 07 Nov 2012, Department of History, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences and Ecole Francaise d’Extreme-Orient, (International)
The Manjaji of Penampang and the Evolution of a Sino-Kadazan Family in Sabah, 6th Interanational Convention of Asian Scholars (ICAS 6), 06 Aug 2009 to 09 Aug 2009, Chung Nam University and International Institute for Asian Studies, (International)

Post Graduate Level
(Name of Degree), (Name of Candidates), (Title of Thesis), (Academic Session)
Doctoral Degree (PhD), Ahmad Zainudin Husin, Hubungan Vietnam dengan Asia Tenggara, 2004/2005
Masters Degree, Liew Hui Nee, Hakka Community in Kuala Lumpur, 1857-1941, 2004/2005
Masters Degree, Lim Seng Haw, Parti Buruh Malaysia, 1952-1972, 2004/2005
Masters Degree, Truong Van Mon, Relations between Indochina and the Malay World: A Study of the Raja System, 2004/2005
Doctoral Degree (PhD), Ong Kui Hua, The Chinese in Southern Vietnam during 17th-19th Centuries, 2004/2005
Doctoral Degree (PhD), Ku Boon Dar, Hubungan China-Vietnam semasa Zaman Tayson, 2005/2006
Doctoral Degree (PhD), Abu Bakar Hamzah, The Brunei Monarchy, 2002/2003
Doctoral Degree (PhD), Tan Miau Ing, Tun H.S. Lee and His Business Entreprises, 2007/2008
Doctoral Degree (PhD), Tan Ten Lee, MSH McArthur and the Transformation of Brunei, 1904-1908, 2007/2008
Doctoral Degree (PhD), Tan Ai Boay, Chinese Community in Perak, 1874-1941, 2008/2009
Masters Degree, Hamidah Binti Mohamad Ali, Sejarah Kesihatan di Sabah, 1946-1963, 2008/2009
Masters Degree, Jinel Noin, Proses Pemulihan di Sabah, 1945-1955, 2008/2009
Masters Degree, Muhaineh Binti Jahi, Perkembangan Politik di Sabah, 1946-1963, 2008/2009
Masters Degree, Chee Lee Yoon, The Chinese in Medan, Sumatra, 1965-2008, 2008/2009
Masters Degree, Hung Bee Ling, Tributary Relations between the Vietnamese and the Chinese during the Ming Period, 2008/2009
Masters Degree, Rammani A/P Karupiah, Philippines-Malaysia Relations during the Marcos Regime, 2008/2009
Masters Degree, Alexius Roy Soliam, Pensejarahan Mat Salleh, 2009/2010
Masters Degree, Chia Siang Kim, Vietnam-Cham Relations, 2008/2009
Masters Degree, Lisbon Bin Malison, Gereja Protestant di Sabah, 2010/2011
Masters Degree, Leong Sooi Lin, Universiti Nanyang di Singapura, 2006/2007
First Degree/Diploma/Pre-Degree
(Course Title), (Academic Session), (No. of Candidates)
Graduation Exercise, 2010/2011, 6
Diploma in Defence and Strategic Studies, University of Malaya and Malaysian Armed Forces Staff College, 2010/2011, 2
(Linkages Description), (Organisation), (Year of Involvement), (Duration), (Level).

Member of Editorial Board, Malaysia Dari Sejarah, published by the Persatuan Sejarah Malaysia, 2014, 12, (National)
Associate Editor, MANU Journal, Centre for the Promotion of Knowledge and Languague Training, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, 2014, 12, (National)
Associate Editor, Editorial Board of Manu Juornal, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, 2011, 12, (National)
Visiting Research Fellow, Center for Integrated Area Studies, Kyoto University, 2010, 3, (International)
(Activity), (Organisation), (Role), (From)-(Until), (Level).

Board of Trustee Member, Southeast Asian Studies Regional Exchange Programme, Board of Trustee, 2012-Present, (International)
Technical Advisor, Thinkcity Grant Programme, Technical Advisor, 2013-2013, (National)
SEASREP Foundation, Board of Trustee, Southeast Asian Studies Regional Exchange Program Foundation, Board of Trustee, 2013-2013, (International)
(Course Title), (Academic Session), (No of Student), (No of Contact Hours).

Post Graduate
First Degree
NATIONALISM IN SOUTH EAST ASIA, 2010/2011(2), 17, 42
(Description), (Evaluation Activity),(Year).

Penilai Luar Bagi Pemohonan Jawatan Profesor Madya Gred DS53 Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI), Urusan Kenaikan Pangkat ,  (2011-2011)
(Contribution To Society), (Level), (Start Date), (End Date).

Member, Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, (Country)
Report Writer, National Economic Consulatative Council II, (Country)
Chairman, National Competitions Committee. The Boys Brigade in Malaysia, (Country)
Columnist, Historical Sabah in Daily Express newspaper, Sabah, (State)
Member, Sabah Society, (State)
Luther House Chapel (Secretary, 1998 to 1999 & Assistant Secretary, 2000 to 2002) , (Community)
The Boys Brigade in Malaysia (Member, National Executive, 1991-93) , (Country)
Penceramah, Seminar Dasar Awam, Anjuran Bahagian Kabinet dan Dasar, Jabatan Ketua Menteri Sabah, (State), 20-Oct-11 until 20-Oct-11
Board Member, Southeast Asian Studies Research Exchange Programme (SEASREP) Since 26 September 2011, (International), 26-Sep-11
Ahli Jawatankuasa Khas Mengkaji Kurikulum Sejarah Dan Buku Teks Sejarah Sekolaj Menengah, Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia, 3 Mei 2011 – 2 Mei 2012 , (National), 03-May-11 until 02-May-12
Penceramah, Syarahan Kursus Maktab Pertahanan Angkatan Tentera (MPAT), Malaysia – The VIetnam War 1964-1975, 15 Ogos 2011 , (National), 15-Aug-11 until 15-Aug-11
Advisor, Heng Ann Association, Book Project on Dato’ Lim Kim Su., (National), 29-May-13 until 28-May-14

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