Dr. Andrew Hardy


After his BA in history at Peterhouse College, University of Cambridge (1987), Andrew Hardy’s interest in Vietnam’s history led him to pursue his studies at the Université de Paris 7, where he wrote MA (1991) and DEA (1993) dissertations under the supervision of Daniel Hémery. To deepen his knowledge of the history of migration in twentieth-century Vietnam, he enrolled on a PhD programme under the supervision of David Marr at the Australian National University, where his doctoral work focused on the relationship between migrants and the state in Vietnamese lowland-upland migration. His PhD thesis (1999) was published under the title Red Hills in 2003.

During his stay at the National University of Singapore, as post-doctoral fellow and assistant professor (1999-2002), he became interested in twentieth-century relations between Viet migrants from the plains and ethnic minorities in the highlands. He then reoriented his research towards the history of the Vietnamese southward expansion and Vietnam-Champa relations. Since 2005, this focus has led him to study the Long Wall of Quang Ngai province, a monument measuring 127.4 km (designated Vietnamese national heritage in March 2011). Of relatively recent construction (1819), the wall opens up new avenues for multi-disciplinary research on relations between the Viet and the Hrê ethnic minority during the eighteenth to twentieth centuries as well as Vietnam-Champa relations during the preceding centuries. The project is a cooperation between the Vietnam Institute of Archaeology (Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences) with the participation of a team of European and Vietnamese researchers and students.

Associate Professor at the EFEO since 2002, Andrew Hardy is head of the EFEO’s centre in Hanoi.


2008 Sur le chemin de Bờ Rạ (bilingual French/Vietnamese edition 205 p.; Vietnamese edition 122 p.), Hanoi: EFEO-Nhà xuất bản [Nxb] Tri Thức.

2003 Red Hills: Migrants and the State in the Highlands of Vietnam Copenhagen-Honolulu: NIAS Press-Hawai‘i University Press, 357 p. (2nd edition, NIAS Press/ISEAS, Singapore, 2005).

2003   (with Mathieu Guérin, Nguyễn Văn Chính & Stan B.-H. Tan), Des Montagnards aux Minorités ethniques. Quelle intégration nationale pour les habitants des hautes terres du Vietnam et du Cambodge ? Paris-Bangkok: L’Harmattan-IRASEC, 354 p.

Direction d’ouvrages

2011   Nguyễn Kinh Chi & Nguyễn Đổng Chi, Les Bahnar de Kontum (bilingual French/Vietnamese edition, tr. by Nguyễn Văn Ký of Mọi Kontum, Huế, 1937), Hanoi: EFEO-Nxb Tri Thực, 518 p. & 86 plates.

2010   Đặng Phong, Thăng Long–Hà Nội: The Story in a Single Street, Hanoi: EFEO-Nxb Tri Thực, 194 p. (edition in Vietnamese, 192 p.).

2009   (with Mauro Cucarzi & Patrizia Zolese), Champa and the Archaeology of Mỹ Sơn (Vietnam), Singapore: NUS Press, 440 p.

2009   « Le XXe siècle chez les montagnards et les Vietnamiens, raconté par Jacques Dournes à Andrew Hardy (Bagard, France – 1er et 2 février 1992) », Aséanie 24, décembre, pp. 149-171.

2008   (with Nguyên Ngọc), Henri Maitre, Rừng người thượng (Vùng rừng núi cao nguyên trung Việt Nam), (tr. from French by Lưu Đình Tuân & Nguyên Ngọc of Les Jungles Moï, Paris : Larose, 1912), Hanoi: EFEO-Nxb Tri Thức, 370 p. & 190 plates and maps.

2005   (with Nguyễn Văn Kự & Ngô Văn Doanh), Peregrinations into Cham Culture, Hanoi: EFEO-Nxb Thế giới (trilingual illustrated edition), 407 p.

2000   (with Sarah Turner & Jean Michaud), « Migration, Markets and Social Change in the Vietnamese Highlands », Asia Pacific Viewpoint (special issue), April, 120 p.

Articles / chapitres

2009   « Eaglewood and the Economic History of Champa and Central Vietnam » in Champa and the Archaeology of Mỹ Sơn (Vietnam), Singapore: NUS Press, pp. 107-126.

2009   « Lịch sử Thăng Long trong bối cảnh khu vực: Chế Bồng Nga, Lê Thánh Tông và Hoàng đế nhà Minh của Trung Hoa » [The history of Thăng Long in regional context: Chế Bồng Nga, Lê Thánh Tông and the Ming dynasty Chinese emperor], in Kỷ yếu Hội thảo khoa học 1000 năm vương triều Lý và kinh đô Thăng Long [Proceedings of the conference 1000 years since the Lý dynasty and the capital at Thăng Long], Hanoi, Nxb The gioi, pp. 124-133. (Republished in 2010: Xưa & Nay [Past and Present], 365, pp. 17-20; 368, pp. 13-15).

2008   « People In-between: Exile and Memory among the Vietnamese in Thailand » in Frédéric Mantienne & Keith Taylor (eds), Monde du Viet Nam – Vietnam World, Hommage à Nguyễn Thế Anh, Paris: Les Indes Savantes, pp. 271-293.

2008   « Nền kinh tế Đông Dương thời thuộc Pháp nhìn từ tiểu sử Paul Bernard (1892-1960) » [The Indochinese economy during the French period through the biography of Paul Bernard (1892-1960)], in 20 năm Việt Nam học theo định hướng liên ngành [20 years of multi-disciplinary research on Vietnam], Hanoi: Nxb Thế giới, pp. 500-556.

2008   « ‘Nguồn’ trong kinh tế hàng hóa ở Đàng Trong » [La ‘source’ dans l’économie commerciale à Đàng Trong], in Chúa Nguyễn và Vương Triều Nguyễn trong lịch sử Việt Nam từ thế kỷ XVI đến thế kỷ XIX [The Nguyễn lords and the Nguyễn court in the history of Vietnam from the sixteenth to nineteenth centuries], Hanoi: Nxb Thế giới, pp. 55-65.

2008   « Núi và biển trong lịch sử kinh tế Chămpa và Việt Nam » [Mountains and the sea in the economic history of Champa and Vietnam], in Văn hóa biển miền Trung và văn hóa biển Tây Nam Bộ[Maritime culture of the Central region and maritime culture of the Southwest], Hanoi: Nxb Từ điển Bách khoa, pp. 88-102.

2005   « A View from Linh Thái Mountain: Historical Peregrinations into Chăm Culture », in Nguyễn Văn Kự, Ngô Văn Doanh & Andrew Hardy (eds), Pérégrinations culturelles au Champa, Hanoi: EFEO- Nxb Thế giới, pp. 49‑63.

2005   « Culture of Migration and Impact of History in Wartime Indochina: A Game of Chance? » in Beatriz P. Lorente, Nicola Piper, Shen Hsiu-Hua & Brenda S.A. Yeoh (eds), Asian Migrations: Sojourning, Displacement, Homecoming and Other Travels, Singapore: Asia Research Institute, pp. 50-68.

2004   « Internal Transnationalism and the Formation of the Vietnamese Diaspora » in Brenda S.A. Yeoh & Katie Willis (eds), State/Nation/Transnation: Perspectives on Transnationalism in the Asia-Pacific, London & New York: Routledge, pp. 218-237.

2004   « Au-delà des vagues : Écrire l’histoire des boat people vietnamiens » in Christopher E. Goscha & Benoît de Tréglodé (eds), Naissance d’un État-Parti, Le Viêt Nam depuis 1945, Paris: Les Indes Savantes, 2004, pp. 305-322.

2004   (with Nguyễn Văn Chính), « Gérer la ‘question ethnique’ sur les hautes terres : un exercice d’équilibriste » in Stéphane Dovert & Benoît de Tréglodé (eds), Viet Nam Contemporain, Bangkok-Paris: IRASEC-Les Indes Savantes, pp. 383-432.

2003   « State Visions, Migrant Decisions: Population Movements since the End of the Vietnam War » in Hy Van Luong (ed.), Postwar Vietnam: Dynamics of a Transforming Society, Lanham, Maryland: Rowman and Littlefield, pp. 107-137.

2003   « Migrants in Contemporary Vietnamese History: Marginal or Mainstream? » in Abu Talib Ahmed & Tan Liok Ee (eds), New Terrains in Southeast Asian History, Athens, Ohio: Ohio University Press, pp. 328-353.

2003   « Architects of a Discourse: Scholars, Migrants and the Notion of Home in Vietnam » in Brenda S.A. Yeoh, Michael W. Charney & Tong Chee Kiong (eds), Approaching Transnationalisms: Studies on Transnational Societies, Multicultural Contacts and Imaginings of Home, Boston, Dordrecht & London: Kluwer ing, pp. 301-320.

2002   « From a Floating World: Emigration to Europe from Post-War Vietnam », Asian and Pacific Migration Journal, 11/4, pp. 463-484.

2001   « Rules and Resources: Negotiating the Household Registration System in Vietnam under Reform », Sojourn 16/2, pp. 187-212.

2000   « Strategies of Migration to Upland Areas in 20th Century Vietnam » in Sarah Turner, Jean Michaud & Andrew Hardy (eds), « Migration, Markets and Social Change in the Vietnamese Highlands », Asia Pacific Viewpoint (special issue), April, pp. 23-34.

2000   « L’amitié et ses valeurs : esquisse ethnographique des travailleurs vietnamiens dans les pays socialistes de l’Europe de l’Est », Revue Européenne des Migrations Internationales 16/1, pp. 235-246.

2000   « The Road to Bờ Rạ: Travel, Settlement and Contact on a Vietnamese Upland Frontier »,Journal of Southeast Asian Studies 31/2, pp. 295-320.

1998   « The Economics of French Rule in Indochina: A Biography of Paul Bernard (1892-1960) »,Modern Asian Studies 32/4, pp. 807-848.

1995   « Les opinions de Paul Bernard (1892-1960) sur l’économie de l’Indochine et leur actualité »,Revue française d’histoire d’outre-mer 82/308, pp. 297-338.

Contributions (introductions, préfaces, postfaces)

2011   « Introduction », in Nguyễn Kinh Chi & Nguyễn Đổng Chi, Les Bahnar de Kontum, Hanoi: EFEO-Nxb Tri Thực, pp. 75-94 (in Vietnamese, pp. 57-74).

2010   « Preface », in Đặng Phong, Thăng Long–Hà Nội: the Story in a Single Street, Hanoi: EFEO-Nxb Tri Thực, 2010, pp. 9-12 (Vietnamese edition, pp. 7-11).

2009   « Presentation: The Montagnards and the Vietnamese during the Twentieth Century, Related by Jacques Dournes to Andrew Hardy (Bagard, France, 1-2 February 1992) », Aséanie 24, pp. 145-148.

2009   « Introduction », in Andrew Hardy, Mauro Cucarzi & Patrizia Zolese (eds), Champa and the Archaeology of Mỹ Sơn (Vietnam), Singapore: NUS Press, pp. 1-13.

2008   (with Nguyễn Văn Huy), « Đọc Les Jungles Moï của Henri Maitre: Lời tựa cho bản dịch Phần III ra tiếng Việt » [Reading Les Jungles Moï by Henri Maitre: preface to the Vietnamese translation of the third part], preface to H. Maitre, Rừng người thượng, Hanoi: EFEO-Nxb Tri Thức, pp. 9-19.

2007   (with Tống Trung Tín), « From the History of Vietnamese Archaeology to the Archaeology of Vietnamese History: Issue no. 2 of Vietnam Archaeology », Vietnam Archaeology 2, pp. 3-4.

2006   (with Tống Trung Tín), « The Vietnamese Journal of Archaeology and Archaeological Research on Thăng Long–Hà Nội », Vietnam Archaeology 1, pp. 3-4.

2000   (with Sarah Turner), « Editorial: Migration, Markets and Social Change in the Highlands of Vietnam » in Sarah Turner, Jean Michaud & Andrew Hardy (eds), « Migration, Markets and Social Change in the Vietnamese Highlands », Asia Pacific Viewpoint (special issue), April, pp. 1-5.

Link: http://www.efeo.fr/uploads/docs/chercheurs/ch020/Andrew%20Hardy,%20CV,%20English,%202011.pdf

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